Wildstar 2 character limit
Wildstar 2 character limit

They could even special-case thing like Mc, so you could be Gary McDonald. If they allowed capitalisation after apostrophes that would fix almost all the issues. Much like banning unicode characters that aren't in ASCII means you can't be called Aimée, but it does mean that you're not going to get players calling themselves ßjørñ, which to me is far more important than guaranteeing that every possibly acceptable name is available. But that's a COMPLETELY acceptable tradeoff to me. Give me ONE legitimate reason special characters SHOULD be allowed, other than it allows for shorter names, on average. It creates confusing copies of multiple popular names, and allows abusers to more easily get away with things. It FORCES you to use addons in WoW, for example, to mail to your friend instead of some random stranger. I use hotkeys for everything except camera turn (right click+drag), and even when I'm coding for work I use shortcuts to copy text and whatnot. I HATE clicking, it slows down your ability to do anything. I can type very quickly, so often times I'd rather just type out someone's name than having to click through the interface. These are easy problems to solve from a programming perspective and are standard throughout the industry (see regular expressions or regex).Īnd that aside, special characters are just a pain in general.

wildstar 2 character limit

I also firmly believe there is no reason to allow a name like IjillllliillilililiIIliili. Makes discerning someone who is named Derkà instead of Derkä or Derkå much harder. If they are using some kind of port hack, you may only see them for a second. Not always possible to click the name on the UI. LEVEL 50 BUILDS: GET GOOD NEW AND RETURNING PLAYERS FAQ GLOBAL CHAT CHANNELS "I'm Leaving Wildstar / Unsubbing / etc." posts."State of the game?", "New player", or "Convince me" threads.Offers to buy, sell, or beg for anything Wildstar related.Exploits, hacks, or anything that breaks EULA.Recruit threads - try the stickied recruitment thread.Low content posts (memes, DAE, FYI, and most PSA type posts).

wildstar 2 character limit

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Wildstar 2 character limit